Welcome To Grace Fellowship Evangelical Free Church
102 Providence-New London Turnpike, North Stonington, Connecticut 06359 860-535-3149
Welcome to Grace Fellowship Church! Join us on Sunday mornings for worship! Check our mid-week programs as well.
sunday school - 9am (all ages)
Sunday morning worship @10am
Children’s Church - pre-k to elementary
Our Annual Business Meeting will be on Sunday, March 16th after our worship service. We will vote on our 2025/2026 budget, new officers/elders and new members. All are welcome to attend, but only members will be able to vote. We will plan to have a potluck lunch before the meeting. We ask that you please bring a soup or salad to share. Plan to attend and hear about What’s happening at Grace Fellowship this year!
We will be collecting items for the North Stonington Food Pantry every third week of the month, we will have a bin in the foyer for collection. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mark at [email protected]. Our next collection will be Sunday, March 16!
grace kids wednesday night program
Grace Kids Wednesday night is for ages pre-k to 5th grade and is a fun night of learning, games and art! Kids are welcome to come at 5:45pm. Register ahead of time at www.gracefellowshipefc.org/grace-kids. Contact Elaine Carlson with any questions at [email protected].
hard pressed youth
Our weekly youth program, Hard Pressed, meets every Wednesday evening at 6pm to 7:30pm upstairs. This program is available for students in grades 6-12. Students are encouraged to come and invite their friends. Please contact Pastor Chad if you have any questions at [email protected].
kid’s kloset
Kid’s Kloset provides clothing for children who are in foster care. Infant through teen sized clothing is needed. There is a donation bin in the fellowship hall by the back door. If you have any questions, please contact Nanette Williams at 860-857-3531.